SINGAPORE: The traffic police (TP) will require lorries with a maximum laden weight of between 3,501kg and 12,000kg (inclusive) to be installed with speed limiters, to ensure that such vehicles do not go beyond the speed limit of 60kmh.
The requirement will be implemented in phases, the police said in a news release on Friday (Nov 3), with installations to begin from Jan 1, 2024.
This is in line with measures to improve the safety of workers being ferried in lorries, which came after an inter-agency review that involved industry groups, safety experts, transport operators, private companies, non-governmental organisations and academic institutions.
Speed limiters are already mandated for all goods vehicles with a maximum laden weight exceeding 12,000kg, while speed warning devices are required for all goods vehicles with a maximum laden weight of up to 3,500kg.
“Based on consultations with the industry, TP recognises that some time is required to develop the speed limiters to comply with our local requirements, as well as to supply and install the speed limiters,” the police said.
“Therefore, while installation will begin from Jan 1, 2024, lorries will be given two or three years to install and comply with the speed limiter requirement.”